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Limited Space Intensive Gardening Secrets

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Combine intensive planted garden beds, with rows, and drip tape irrigation. With a design that reflects the most productive yields, with the least amount of labor involved, the least expensive components, and the best use of your space and resources.

Use Any Space You Have Available to grow your own vegetables. To grow what you need for fresh use throughout the growing season, and grow more for food storage, up to five times the amount that you get from a conventional row system.

There are many approaches to intensive and raised bed gardening. Most designs are very labor intensive. Use a system designed to make the labor less intensive.

Depending on the size of your project. You can spend a few hours a week, one day a week, or more working your garden. In many urban areas just the water bill alone can be a major expense. By combining intensive gardening with rows, automatic drip irrigation and beds, water use can be reduced considerably, and your labor will also be reduced.

By using walkways the soil compaction will be eliminated from the growing the area, and cultivation minimized. Overhead watering will cause water loss from evaporation, can cause diseases to develop, and cause insect infestations. Save money, Eat healthy, Get exercise, and enjoy growing many more times the quantity of vegetables that can be produced in a conventional garden with less physical labor.

Healthy plants tend to be disease and insect resistant if you provide the correct conditions. Avoid using pesticides that will kill beneficial insects like ladybugs, bees, wasps and praying mantis. Provide organic matter for rich fertile soil.

Avoid using chemical fertilizers. You can create the conditions needed for healthy plants. To get a jump on the season you can buy transplants from a nursery or start your own from seed.

Rotating crops will make the best use of fertilizers; prevent disease and insect infestations, build your soil so that your garden beds will continue to produce year after year, without decreasing in quality or quantity.

If you have many things to do, have jobs, and families to support. You do not have a lot of time to waste. If a garden is to time-consuming, your labor spent on gardening, can be worth more than what the garden will produce. Use a system that will make your time spent worthwhile. You can build and maintain your own compost, or if you do not have the time, you can pickup ready-made compost.

Use a system designed to be compatible with a front tine tiller, which will save time versus hand digging, and a flatbed system that will not require labor intensive, and expensive sides to be built around the beds. Combine row cropping within the beds, so you can make use of a labor-saving garden seeder, and by covering the walkways you eliminate weeds from growing, and the mud from the walkways.

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